Mar 13, 2007

Writer's Block

If there was one thing that I didn't plan on when I started this blog, it was writer's block - both the traditional type and the self-imposed type. You see, when things are going well, I love to talk. I have things to talk about for days. When things are not going well though, it's a totally different story.
I'm not a huge fan of talking about what is going wrong in my life. I prefer to talk about what is going right. When things start to go bad, I start to clam up. When things go from bad to worse, some people don't hear from me for days. All I can think about are the things that aren't working (take my car for example, which is now after three visits to the mechanic in five days is finally working), and just like I'm pretty sure you don't want to hear me talk about these things, I'm pretty sure you don't want to read about it either. I'm sure you've been able to tell, I've been having a pretty rough couple of weeks.

You see, I'm getting frustrated. This "holding pattern" is getting really old. Toss in being sick, car troubles, a sick dog, and some bad news about my seperation from the Coast Guard, and I can confidently tell you that I'm ready to land.

On a positive note though, yesterday was Andy's last day in the Bay Area before meeting his ship in Peru. Therefore, we took his new Supra out to the Coast. Our intention was to see a sunset and eat at some obscure little restaurant. We made it to the coast, and we ate at an obscure little restaurant (one that made amazing fried oysters and calimari). Unfortunately, work, fog, cows, and a hill got in the way of the sunset. No, really, I have pictures to prove it (well, at least of the hill and the cows).


Anonymous said...

I know what you mean. It's no fun to have writer's block. Especially if you're one of those people who don't want to complain, but also can't get up the energy to write about something more uplifting. :)

I saw the link to your website on BlogHer! Welcome.

Zandria - Keep Up With Me
BlogHer blog

Rambler said...

I am the the kind you referred to here, talk about things when its not going right.
It makes it all the more interesting, how you deal with your wrongs. I am sure I'll pick up some tips some posts down the line.

Unknown said...

I've got a good picture of one of those hills too... I'll send it your way :-)