Feb 22, 2007

Just Pictures

So today, Ben asked me to post some more pictures so he can see what is happening out here while he's at sea...so without further ado, I post:

Tonight Katelyn and I went out to dinner at a new Mexican Restaurant here in town. My friend and her little boy invited us to hang out with some old shipmates of hers. It was a good time. Of course, although we brought the camera, we didn't take any pictures. So, not being one to let a good hair day go to waste, Kate took pictures of me when we got home.
The other day we went hiking, and took some pictures then too. We went up to a really pretty nature preserve just north of here in Orinda. It never ceases to amaze me that if you drive north 15 minutes, it's like you're in a whole other world.
Other than that though, not much else has been going on here. I hope you like the pictures Ben.

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